1) “This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council,” the voice continued. “As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes. Thank you.”
2) “And what’s happened to the Earth?”
“Ah. It’s been demolished.”
“Has it,” said Arthur levelly.
“Yes. It just boiled away into space.”
“Look,” said Arthur, “I’m a bit upset about that.”
This reminded me of two things. First, if you have a kickass idea (setting a book around Earth on the short end of intergalactic eminent domain), make that idea the centerpiece of your work! Second, fully express how big an idea that is through your characters and their reactions ("I'm a bit upset about that.").
I have a kickass idea (setting a book around the U.S. on the short end of the Peace Corps) that I've been shying away from. I need to address it and let it lead the story because it can.