Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taking the Fork in the Road

As I had hoped, Dr. Z has spoken and I have listened. It seems that for all the folks that think there are two distinct stories in ACYW, there is still a vocal minority that believe the two can and should be reconciled. I agree with the minority.

So what of my last post? I think the conclusions I drew are still sound, but I also see the reconciliation option which I will explore first as I think it will take less time than researching all things Brazil and then re-editing.

That being said, I picked up all things Brazil at the library yesterday and will continue to read, listen, watch and experience the culture and language for shits and giggles if nothing else.

Tonight, between pitches and innings in Boston, I'll continue to flesh out Family a story I'm eager to start simply for the fact that I'll get to write a food fight scene.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Next Steps? So Danco Samba

While I would like to just jump into fresh edits of ACYW, I need to learn more about Brazil, its culture, its people and its language first. I have a slew of books, CDs (Gilberto, Jobim et al) and DVDs (the World Cup's greatest moments) waiting for pickup at the NYPL this Saturday. On recommendation from a friend, I have also joined a local Meetup group for Brazilians (or those interested in Brazil, its culture and language) in NYC. They watch movies (Orfeu on 8/31), they give rudimentary Portuguese classes and set up dance classes. All sound good to me! Needless to say, it may be a month before I put pen to paper on this project.

That being said, I'm going to start Family in the meantime. Not writing is making me cranky, even with the Yankees playing beautiful baseball.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Rejigging of ACYW

I finished re-reading and making notes on ACYW this morning before work. I have made some decisions, others loom.

Decisions Made
1) I have decided to change the names and nationalities of two of the main characters. Rather than being from Botswana, they will be from Brazil.

2) I have decided to focus on the story of the soccer team of Arab American kids in Dearborn, Michigan rather than the story of two Batswana bringing the Peace Corps to the U.S. This helps explain #1. Who would you rather have for a soccer coach, a Brazilian or a Botswana?

While the idea of the "reverse Peace Corps" may disappear, it will not in spirit. Part of the beauty of Brazilian characters is the history of Brazil, its multiethnic/racialness, its auto industry and the greenness of its auto industry. All these attributes jive better with Dearborn and its challenges than two entrepreneurs from Africa who made their money off of diamonds.

Decisions Ahead
1) Do I continue to tell the story from the third person, or do I focus on the perspective of the young female journalist, Besat El-Reeh, who people seem to like?

2) How much of the story do I hand over to the team and how much rests with Besat and the Brazilians? I'd like to think I can make it all work, but I've already been told once that it doesn't.

Those are the broad strokes.

Funny enough, there's a scene in the book where Besat tells an AP reporter that this is the story of a team and their community, not the Batswana because people wouldn't get them. And now here I am, finally listening to my character's advice.

One reader was not happy with my proposed changes. He thought I had made my case and that the two stories worked well together. God bless him. Hopefully I can do the same for the next version. Any thoughts from other readers? Dr. Z, perhaps?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to the drawing board

While I continue to draw up an outline and do research for Family, I have recently received additional feedback on Any Color You Want that has given me pause. What was once the opinion of one person, then two, has become three or four which I can no longer ignore. The consensus has become that ACYW is two stories, not one and that one of those stories is far better than the other. To this end, I have decided to lop off the weaker story and to concentrate on the stronger one. This means a lot of work and time, but I believe it's worth it in the long run.

I have started re-reading ACYW with an eye for what to keep and what to cut. I have also started to do research in the areas that will change (the nationalities of the two main characters, for one). While this is all a bit frustrating - having thought I was so close to completion - as I go along and see new opportunities I become more excited about the new version's prospects.

When I have a better feel for the better defined and new focus of ACYW, I will share it. Till then, it's back to the drawing board.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Now Serving Family

For the second time in the past two years, I've decided to put Not for Nothing on hold to work on another project. I had a bit of an epiphany the other day about a new novel and tonight I fleshed out its broad outline. I'm excited about the new project, Family, a reference to the meal a restaurant's kitchen staff prepares for itself before lunch and dinner service. Unlike NfN, I can see how Family develops clearly. I look forward to picking up a new journal on Monday and filling it shortly thereafter with daily helpings of Family.