Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to the drawing board

While I continue to draw up an outline and do research for Family, I have recently received additional feedback on Any Color You Want that has given me pause. What was once the opinion of one person, then two, has become three or four which I can no longer ignore. The consensus has become that ACYW is two stories, not one and that one of those stories is far better than the other. To this end, I have decided to lop off the weaker story and to concentrate on the stronger one. This means a lot of work and time, but I believe it's worth it in the long run.

I have started re-reading ACYW with an eye for what to keep and what to cut. I have also started to do research in the areas that will change (the nationalities of the two main characters, for one). While this is all a bit frustrating - having thought I was so close to completion - as I go along and see new opportunities I become more excited about the new version's prospects.

When I have a better feel for the better defined and new focus of ACYW, I will share it. Till then, it's back to the drawing board.

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