The stories hit all of life's important subjects; religion, politics, sex, ideas and baseball with each writer honing in on one theme from unique angles. Many currently read like essays in need of story and character development. There are a lot of broad strokes, but more so, there are a lot of daring ideas to flesh out and bring to life.
It'll be fun editing a collection of their work.
Hooey Savvy Update: Would you take advice from someone who wasn't an expert in their field? To this end, I'm taking steps to make myself an expert in financial education.
First, I've taken preliminary steps to work with non-profits specializing in homeless affairs. Why? Because I want to know what the homeless wish they could've known about personal finance. If I don't address issues that frustrated those in extreme poverty, Hooey will be just that: hooey. I've also reached out to the academic field, specifically behavioral economics, with the hopes of running a survey/study this fall. I want to make sure what I'm advising works in line with how people learn and make financial decisions.
I don't believe that Hooey will make everyone's lives better, but I do believe there are a number of concrete steps I can take to make it the best product possible. Hopefully, working with the homeless and running this academic survey/study will bring Hooey closer to that goal.