Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Consider the second draft of the screenplay complete. I still await feedback from class, but I'm excited. I feel good about it probably because I brought it back to what I originally wanted it to be - a satire about two Africans starting the Peace Corps in the U.S. I even worked in a reverse "The Gods Must Be Crazy" scene, Coke bottle and all.

I get feedback from class tomorrow night which should be interesting. I'm curious if they'll buy the car alarm symphony. If enough people do, I'm good. If they throw my screenplay back at me (literally), I'll rework it.

Anyone want a sneak peek?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the Coke idea!

A bit dubious about the car symphony, but I reserve my judgement until I've seen the scrip (which means, yes, I do want a sneak peak!).

Following your posts even without commenting, you seem in form writing your story in a screenplay.