Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vampires, Lit Agents & Dick Teases

Well, if I can't sleep I may as well be productive. So tonight I took the opportunity to go through Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents 2008 (Yes, there's an Oxford comma in that thar sentence, folks - not my doing as, well, as the kids like to sing, "Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?" Not I, said the Randall.)

From this tome I was able to identify 42 potential literary agents that may be interested in Any Color You Want. Once I've finished writing the first three chapters, I'll return to this list and most likely whittle it down some as I take more time reading each agency's description.

A first draft of chapter two should be finished shortly. Then I can tear it down all over again. Speaking of building up and tearing down, was thinking about Penelope the other day. Dr. Zafeiris, if you're reading this, do you know the ancient Greek for "dick tease"?


Unknown said...

Yes, I am reading it... but no, not from the top of my head anyway. But I'm on to it, watch this space.

Bigtooth said...

Want some more Vampire Weekend?

crochet trumps knitting said...

VW is everywhere! I have a copy for him. Is there more than one album?