Monday, May 19, 2008


My good man Costas is right. I haven't been posting as frequently as I'd like (ie, weekly) lately, but he's also right that I've been working on a side project. I'm editing a chapbook's worth of poems that I'd like to finish by September.

I continue to edit chapter two of Any Color You Want - but the editing process isn't particularly sexy so I haven't posted about it. The first read through was for basic grammatical correctness; in the second I highlighted areas that could be expanded or needed better explanation; and the third will require me to do the expanding and 'splaining. That's where I'm at. Where you at? Where Brooklyn at?
I'm not familiar with The Sheltering Sky so I'll have to look into that. What I did see recently was The Gods Must Be Crazy which is the first movie I remember watching about Africa which'll be the topic of my next posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn in the house! I love the Biggie.
"Out of Africa," "The English Patient," and "Hotel Rwanda" are some other movies that take place in Africa (at least in part). Did you know that there's a sequel to "The Gods Must Be Crazy?" I've seen it, but it was so long ago that I can't remember what happened. It might be worth checking out, though.