Sunday, April 20, 2008

From Point A to Point B

As a religion major in college I enjoyed thinking about what happened between one sentence of scripture and the next. One minute Abraham and Isaac are walking along; the next Isaac is about to be sacrificed. What a second! How'd we get there?

In editing chapter two, I come across similar situations. Do I fill in the gap between one sentence and another or does the absence of detailed explanation add intrigue or humor to the story? Conversely, and more often than not, filling in the space between A & B allows me to make the story richer and more accessible.

It took me a long time as a writer to learn how to write the story I wanted for readers other than myself. I have to thank a corporate public relations job for that. There I wrote detailed copy to be read by a large and diverse audience. Yeah, I had to "know my audience", but I also had to learn how to communicate clearly, consistently and quickly with them. This kind of writing most certainly lent itself to some pretty damn boring print, but it drilled into me some more perspective and restraint that has balanced the loony drivel that I had been previously spilling.

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