Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thank you, Twins & Tigers!

Thanks to the Minnesota Twins and the Detroit Tigers, the regular season and my deadline get one more day which should work out perfectly as I have 8 more pages to edit. I can do that before work manana. Then I just need to type the shit up, iron out a couple small items and decide on an ending before the playoffs which start Wednesday in the Bronx at the earliest. While I tell myself I'm just going to relax and veg out on the playoffs for the rest of the month, I reckon that won't happen.

ACYW's old ending segued into Not for Nothing which was to be my next book, starring a couple characters (Mack Brown & Houston More, dudes I first wrote about 5 years ago) who had cameos in ACYW. But now that I'll work on Family next, there is no longer a need to retain that ending. Continuity is nice, but not necessary. I'll catch up with Mack and Tony when the time is right.

Once I'm done with ACYW, I'm sending it off to an agent and a writer who have vowed to read it and work with me on it. The writer's already read it and in some ways I'm going to try to slip a fastball by him. I've taken most of his advice, but rather than completely 86ing one aspect of the story that I find pivotal and he does not, I've tried to bring it in through the back door, if you will. I won't fool him with this approach, but hopefully I can make the aspect more palatable to him.

Lastly, because so much of the story is car-driven, I figured it might be cool to publish ACYW in the form of a Ford car manual. Either that or a hybrid marketing pamphlet-manual. A little Arabic-looking font over other traditional U.S. images could also work. But that's waaaaaay down the road.

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