fter finishing the screenplay to
Slumdog Millionaire, I'm on to
The Shawshank Redemption. I have found there is little to no poetry in screenplays, which saddens me. I'll have to find other outlets for that - probably song. The dialogue is great. It's rich and it runs. The side notes, at times, could be construed as pitches made by the screenwriter to the studio - hyperbole seems to be the norm. At other times, though, they seem like brainstorming sessions between buddies. The best example of this that I've read so far comes from
Shawshank as the screenwriter, Frank Darabont, introduces Tommy, the young Presley-like inmate, that Andy Dufresne works with towards his GED:
"DOLLYING Tommy as he struts along, combing his ducktail, cigarette behind his ear. (We definitely need The Coasters or Del Vikings on the soundtrack here. Maybe Jerry Lee Lewis.)"
That thinking out loud, that's fun. I'm glad it's kosher as
ACYW has its own soundtrack and I look forward to throwing out tunes to accompany the action.
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