Friday, January 11, 2008

Constructive Criticism

Thanks to some good friends, I'm happy to report that the book's first chapter has garnered some good feedback and one sucker actually said he wanted to read more. More importantly, those who provided criticism where clear about what didn't make sense and what could be improved.

While you can't please or make sense to everyone, it's worth a try as long as it's not detrimental to the story's flow and feel. I look forward to addressing the criticisms and then submitting the first chapter to a few upcoming short story contests to get that ball rolling.

Chapter Two takes our African protagonists to the Detroit area where they begin to set up shop with only 90 days to bear fruit. To get better acquainted with Motown, I'm going to watch Beverly Hills Cop tonight (old school Eddie Murphy is gonna be all over this joint) and then hopefully make a trip in the next month or so. While Flint has gotten press for its demise, it seems that the town of Monroe may have an even worse case. Hopefully a trip out there will give me a better feel for the area and the people, especially if I'm able to sit down with local leaders.

1 comment:

Empty said...

I'm not so sure Monroe is the place to go. I'll need to read the first chapter about this "African", and going to Detroit to set up shop. Hmm